Kelsey Majek



Arizona State University



Why I became an SPO Missionary

I became an SPO Missionary to fully surrender to the will of God in my life. I knew God was calling me to put my desires aside for His. I was involved with SPO throughout college and it has been the biggest blessing in my life. SPO has given me an incredible sisterhood and community. My sisters have reflected to me the love and mercy of Christ. I want to be this sister to others around me. This sisterhood and community has allowed me to come to know my true identity in Christ. Through the example of other Missionaries, I learned how to remain close to Christ through daily personal prayer. I have grown stronger in my Catholic faith. To me, SPO is an abundant life of adventure, friendship, and love that blesses so many people. I want to allow Jesus to work through me to bring these blessings to others. In college, I had the opportunity to do outreach on the Texas State and Austin Community College campuses in Round Rock. These experiences showed me how much a simple conversation or invitation can bring joy and hope to someone’s day. College students need this joy and hope. College campuses have so much need for the light and love of Christ. I can’t wait to bring this light and love to Arizona State University!! It may be sunny, but we’re bringing THE LIGHT!!

Favorite Scripture Verse

“So now acknowledge with your whole heart and soul that not one of all the promises the Lord, your God, made concerning you has failed. Every one has come true for you; not one has failed.”

-Joshua 23:14


Corpus Christi, TX